eurovision takes the Eurovision Song Contest out of the year 2000, a topos of the European popular culture, as the starting point for a general research about the different image cultures of television, video and film and juxtaposes this in a stringent image organization whereby a number of 'arguments' and contexts are placed side by side. Above all, the jury was convinced by the sovereignty of this 'Montage' and the stringent content of the reference material.
transmediale image award. eurovision is one five award nominations from over 900 entries.
'One idea I was interested to investigate in eurovision, a video interactive, also shown as a single screen work, was the compositional variety multiple streaming video feeds could (theoretically) take into a single frame. I also enjoyed cutting up various narratives into threads and recombining these in novel ways, enhancing the development of new kinds of literacies, as well as playing with the idea of a 'truth to materials' in the digital environment. In terms of its subject matter, eurovision is to do with the kind of legacy left by global European cultural and science/technology media exports from the late fifties to the late sixties.'
eurovision, completed in March 2001, is a PAL format video @19.20 minutes, and a DVD interactive
material media: artefacts from a digital age PhD, Australian National University, Canberra november 2003